Red Flags In A Child Suspected To Have Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Mothers are usually worried about speech delay in children and usually relate the speech delay to autism or other developmental disorders of childhood.

In answer to their worries, refer to the red flags which can contribute to the signs and symptoms of early autism manifestations which are the most common red flags in autism diagnosis.

  1. The first sign we see is an Inconsistent response to his or her name so the child does not know his name or respond to calling him or by it
  2.  Inconsistent eye contact on communicating with mother or others
  3. Preoccupation or unusual interests in a special toy or an object and repetitive play with parts of the toy, for example, the wheels of the car tires.
  4. Lack of joint attention when you ask him to look at an object, he has to look at the object and then back to you. Usually, children who have autism fail to do so.
  5.  Repetitive behaviors with their hands or other parts of the body. like jumping, rotating, or hand flapping.

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